2019 March Chapter Meeting

2019 March Chapter Meeting

Polka Dot Powerhouse is an amazing, totally unique "Connection Company!”  It is our mission to connect the world’s most positive, action-forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.

Our March speaker is Allison Kinnear.  Allison Kinnear is the owner of Voice of Her Own and has helped over a thousand women transform their lives for the better in their personal and professional lives. She is a mom, coach and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping women turn down the volume on their Inner Critic and turn up the volume on their Inner Contender.  

As the founder and CEO of Voice of Her Own, Allison coaches, speaks and leads women to go from feeling not good enough to finding their confidence, worth and voice.

Allison honed her skills in leadership during her seven-year tenure at Google in the People Ops department. She has a Master’s degree in Human Development and is a Certified Life Coach. To learn more, visit her at www.voiceofherown.com and www.facebook.com/voiceofherown.

Allison’s topic is “You are Not a Fraud: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome.”  From this speech you will learn how to recognize when your Imposter Syndrome flares up, learn to interrupt your inner critic so you can get things done and leverage your confidence to get you more clients.

Seating is limited, only those who register are confirmed a seat.  Purchase your own meal and drink.  Come 15 minutes early to mingle before the celebration.  We hope to see you there!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-20-2019 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 03-20-2019 1:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 13
Remaining Seats Available 17
Location Mazatlan-Bonney Lake, WA

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting